Thursday, July 9, 2009

Me again...

Well I've been very lax at updating my blog. The trouble seems to be I either have nothing very interesting happening and don't want to blog along the lines of..."well I got up this morning, went to work, came home, watched a bit of telly, went to bed...". Or there is so much going on I don't have time to write and then when I do find I've forgotton half of what I've done (though that could be the vodka tonics). Plus I keep finding these amazing blogs by people with interesting lives or real problems and I wonder what I'm doing blogging at all.

So apologies if this is a bit long, rambling and mundane...ZZzzz....

Recent Blonde Moment news is from my week on holiday with Arty Couple at their relatives villa in Spain. Absolutely bloody gorgeous. I was a bit apprehensive beforehand, because though I've spent many a day and evening with them, and count them as very close friends, it's potentially rather different to spend a whole week with a couple (as a single), especially when they're soon-to-be-married. However, completely needless worrying. We had the most relaxing and lovely time, chatting, sunbathing by the pool, looking round run-down properties for their next project, lying on the beach with not an English tourist in sight.....

Also had a very entertaining girls night out that ended up at the only English bar in the town, complete with local "Handbags", and a bar owner bearing an uncanny resemblence to Mick Hucknall (XXXL size) who serenaded us all night with some pretty dodgy "luuurve" songs of the pub variety. Priceless. Plus an eighty yr old ex-pat with a twinkle in his eye, who had recently joined friends re-united dating, and was expecting a couple of ladies to join him at his villa shortly. He thought MH was great. "Just think - I get it 4 nights a week! Every week!". Looking back, I'm not entirely sure if he was referring to MH's vocals or the two ladies he was expecting..... The high point though was when Arty Girl got up to dance (she dances very well, and fairly suggestively). The Handbags did not appreciate this competition one bit. After some employing some "interesting" tactics to realign male attention (one bizarrely started doing plie's, another attempted the splits) they left the dance floor with very grim expressions.

The Michael Jackson moment was strange. We kept hearing his name on Spanish radio but didn't realise what had happened. Driving home from the beach, an obituary came on an English local station. Not really listening, then thinking we had misheard or it was a play....then realisation. Arty Girl cried. I don't think we'll ever know the truth about the child abuse accusations, but I wonder if it was a case of naivity and not understanding "normal" boundaries that was exploited and embroidered by people with dollar signs in their eyes. Who knows. But what is certain is that his life was pretty tragic, and he leaves behind three children that obviously worshipped him and will grow up with the legacy of his history (bad and good).

So back home to more sunshine, and few days chilling out in the garden before returning to work. Lovely. turned out that I'm minus Cat One. He had gone missing the evening after I left, and I think BMF was hoping he'd turn up with no-one the wiser, so he left it 5 days before calling Lovely Upstairs Neighbour and Canary for advice. LUN had a few stern words at leaving it that long before telling him exactly what to do (bless!). Eventually it turned out he had been taken in by an elderly lady a few streets away (worryingly the other side of the very busy road where he was run over a year ago). BMF asked her if she could continue to look after him until I returned - I think he couldn't take the responsibility any more knowing how precious I am about the cats. Though seriously, how difficult is it? Feed them twice a day, give them a bit of fuss and a few tummy rubs, that's it. I've never had a problem leaving for hols with sitters before (thanks LUN and Canary). Anyway, I knew nothing of this until I was waiting for the train back from Gatwick and got a call from BMF on my mobile - the ensuing hysterics were probably heard for several miles. But as a result of the temporary rehoming, I now have a cat that keeps going AWOL, is completely confused about where home is, and to cap it off has suspected pancreatitis from being given cheap cat food. The vet has prescribed fresh fish daily, some pills, blood tests, keeping him indoors for a couple of weeks (which also means Cat Two) and Feliway diffusers (cat pheromone scent - ie pretty much cat heroin). So I also have a very big vet and (cat) food bill and a garden room that smells of cat litter.

Think I'll book the cattery next time!


PS re the last blog - BMF was absolutely lovely and understanding. He's staying for another 4 months and will use the time to pick up his finances and find somewhere else to stay. We're stiil good friends. Phew!

PPS Bugger. Cat One escaped and has gone AWOL again. Even microwaving and wafting premium cod fillet has not done the trick. Looks like I'll have to cancel the follow up vets appointment tomorrow morning.

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