I saw Bald Bloke last Sunday - the first time in quite a few months.
Arty Couple were relaxing in my garden and we got around to discussing my wonky garden gate. Someone tried to break in a couple of years ago but it's just one of those jobs that I put off, whinge about every so often, and then do nothing about. Though I have managed a "temporary" solution involving a wooden spoon to hold the gate together and an obstacle course along the garden path. (I suspect any burglar would probably step around this fairly niftily, but it has been a very useful early warning system when friends drop by unexpectedly and I'm sunbathing in my knickers - not a pretty sight.)
Anyway, by coincidence Bald Bloke phoned Arty couple's mobile as we were sitting and discussing the gate, and they suggested to him he might want to fix it as he's not busy at the moment (BB being a builder). The next thing I knew he had decided to drop by and take a look. Unfortunately, after a few hours in the sun I was looking decidedly cack, with hair a frizzy matted mess and my face covered in a greasy film of sweat and factor 50 water resistant sun lotion (the type that is so thick and white it gives your skin a bluish hue when applied). I also had a maxi dress on that was doing exactly that for my figure (ie making me look maxi). This look was completed when I trod on the hem on getting up to say hello, and exposed most of my right boob; white bits, nipple hair and all. Not exactly how you want to look when an Ex turns up.
So he took a look at the gate, and did a bit of builder-like prodding and shaking of broken bits and posts, then we all sat in the sun drinking cider. After a while Arty Couple left, and it got a little stilted and awkward, and I started telling BB all sorts of inconsequential and boring stuff to help fill the silence. Then I made the faux-pax of asking about his best friend, and it all started coming out. At one point his eyes were welling up, and I thought "you poor poor man". He seemed so sad and subdued. His dreams have been disillusioned, his friends are lost, and he is resigned to being alone. I just listened mostly - what can you say? At least he still has Arty Girl as a good friend.
On his way out he said "I'll give you a call in the week about that gate, R" and gave me a peck on the cheek.
Needless to say he hasn't called.
Some things at least haven't changed.
Solid as a rock
6 hours ago
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