Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Desperate measures....

Day 3 of taking diet to desperate extremes.

I've now cut out salad and vodka. That only leaves cigarettes and vitamin pills. (Sudden thought....PANIC....are they sugar-coated???).

This is how I would like to look:

Unfortunately, this is how I will actually look:

I'm thinking now that a nice discreet beige might have been a better choice of colour (may disappear when stood in front of the marquee?), or even something in a camoflage style print (stand very still and pretend to be part of a large plant arrangement?). .....


  1. I bet you'll look brilliant! You'll make all the other "safe beiges" feel like they should have made more effort aha!

    Mel xxx

  2. just getting to the end of the service without any sniggering or the zip/seams exploding will do just fine ;o)))

  3. I'm sure you wouldn't look like a giant tomato -- that would be me if I dared to wear red!

    My brother and his fiance have set a colour code for their wedding: red, white and black.

    I'm going for BLACK as the only one of those options that won't make me look hideous !!

    Good luck with yours!

  4. Go to the wedding and knock em all bandy!

    You've probably got good bazooms, and that dress will show them off.

    You'll be fab and even if you don't feel it, act CONFIDENT!

    Report back,


  5. Shantybang - hello! black would be my colour of choice also - unfortunately the bride vetoed ;o(

    GG - thanks for much needed support! Am repeating to self "I am confident, I am confident..." Hopefully by Fri will have had some effect x (Plus Canary has asked her mother is bringing spare needle and thread)
