Friday, May 22, 2009

Cleaners, dastardly behaviour, ostriches, and ex's that won't disappear.....

Oh what heaven. My lovely cleaner who went AWOL a few months ago has returned! I was actually clock-watching at work the day she started back beacause I couldn't wait to enjoy my new oasis of cleanliness. The trouble with being an obsessive visitor of junk-shops and flea markets is that keeping on top of all the work that goes with it can seem pretty daunting. No more!

I'm feeling much more myself now. This is despite an episode that brought the drama queen out again.

Best Male Friend (may have to change this moniker) has pestered me a few times to see my text messages with Mellors. I have one of those iPhones where any text messages are recorded and displayed on the screen as a conversation flow, and foolishly I had not deleted them. I had made it very clear to BMF that I did not want him to read them, they were very private, and more to the point he was peverse for wanting to in the first place. He reckoned it was because he wanted to spice up his messages to his girlfriend. Really. Well, my lovely (male) Battersea Friend came down on Sunday - I nipped for 2 seconds to the loo - and returned to find BMF had retrieved my phone from my handbag and was reading the most personal and embarrassing messages outloud. I felt completely humiliated, and was completely furious, even more so because I didn't want Battersea Friend to feel uncomfortable so had to grit my teeth instead of letting rip at the time.

I also heard something this week that I'm trying not to think about too much. Arty Friend told me that Bald Bloke has just split up from his girlfriend, and has been looking back nostalgically on our time together. Apparently he now hates all women except me, whom he has "put on a pedestal". I can only think he must have had a few too many beers (as usual). I'm really not too sure how I feel about this. That's the trouble when you've been involved with mutual friends - Ex's just don't disappear.

BUT, far more importantly....the black dog has gone! The sun is shining! I have 3 days off! And I'm feeling unaccountably happy today. I just hope it's not because of the ex news....

The ostrich may have a point - I think I'll stick my head in the sand for a few days.

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