Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Going to Level 6....

I know it's wrong, but I have great hopes of the whole piggy flu thing.

One of my team called this morning to say she had flu symptoms. I immediately went to Blonde LEVEL 6 (drama queen mode).

Contacted my manager, HR and Occ Health, secretly having visions of the entire site being isolated and surrounded by news crews. You know the scene in ET where they cover the house in tenting, scientific & army type men with chiselled jaws and clipboards are marching around in masks and white overalls, there's a dramatic soundtrack overlayed with the sound of respirators etc etc? Well within a few seconds of the call I was picturing ALL of that but of course on a much much GRANDER scale with myself taking a leading role.

Couldn't decide whether senior management would all be incapacitated leaving me to heroically take charge of the situation (and of course brief the media), or whether I would be pictured on various news channels as one affected, lying languidly on a stretcher but bravely facing my imminent death (while still managing to look glamorous in a consumptive kind of way).....

Sadly its not to be. Occ Health have said its probably just a cold, and no, there is no need to shut down the entire site and send home 4000 people.

I think my manager and HR are wondering whether my recent promotion was a good idea.

Oh well. Guess its back to work then.

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