Monday, May 4, 2009

Bank Holiday Dilemma

So its the bank holiday and I have a whole day to fill. That should be a wonderful thing. After all I can do as I please: I'm single and have only 2 cats in terms of dependents, live in what is definitely the most gorgeous part of the UK (apologies to all - us Brightonians are fiercely proud of our city), the Brighton Festival is in full swing, the beach is only 2 mins walk away, and I have a rather wonderful and eclectic group of friends who can usually be relied upon to call or drop by during the day unexpectedly.

However...Arty Couple are away for the day in London; The Canary is rehearsing then going out to watch a dance piece with her BF; Best Male Friend will be recovering from another night of debauchery in some random woman's bed and contemplating whether he should see his girlfriend tonight; Friend Up North is, well, up north; Luscious is up to her eyes in husband, toddler, and naughty (but beautiful) 4 yr old daughter; Lovely Upstairs Neighbour is in Tenerife for the week etc fact, am I the only person here? If I step outside the front door will I see a single tumbleweed rolling past and hear a lone dog howling in the distance.....???

Here is what I SHOULD be doing.
- Going to see my 93 yr old grandmother who wilfully discharged herself from hospital on Friday and has since been ensconced in her bungalow, revelling in the attention and issuing frequent regal commands from the bedside to rather pissed off daughters and grandchildren.
- Visiting my (now) harassed Glamorous Mother who only lives 10 miles away, approx 100 yds from Regal GM, and whom I've just realised I haven't seen for a month.
- Watering Lovely Upstairs Neighbour's garden as she has some new seedlings, is away for the week, and has entrusted this one simple task to me.
- Calling any number of friends that I have shamefully neglected recently.
- Going to one of the open houses, which as well as showing some interesting local artwork and installations, are more importantly a great opportunity to have a nosy look around someone elses house and criticise their taste in decor. My mum loves this part especially. Last year she managed to crash a private view and spent most of the time coming out rather too loudly with comments such as, "oooh look at this, have you SEEN what they've done with their downstairs loo?"

Here is what I am ACTUALLY doing.
- Listening to classic FM and wondering if this makes me irredeemably middle-aged.
- Drinking bitter lemon and pretending there is vodka in it (oh for vodka-o-clock at 6pm)
- Wondering why Potential New Fling who has been obsessively sending me naughty texts for the past week is suddenly strangely silent
- Watering my newly laid lawn when it's clearly going to rain within the hour
- Avoiding tidying the flat which has not recovered from Saturday night/Sunday morning when visitors stayed after the hen doo, and which now has additional detritus from Sunday and this morning, as I may as well turn it into a proper task to put off all day until a frantic scramble at 10pm tonight.
- Thinking about logging on to the free-sperm-donation website again, in the hope of finding a donor who is not a white supremecist or a mad scientist looking to create a master race (really - promise you this is true - will tell more in a future blog)
- Checking out my favourite bloggs to see if anyone else is also lazy enough to spend a days holiday blogging instead of going out and doing things which might give them something to blogg about.
- Trying not to eat or think about food as I have to drop 3 dress sizes by the end of July or be the "fat" bridesmaid bulging out of her dress at the Arty Couples wedding

Fortunately writing above has provided a moment of inspiration....I'll make a "to do" list!

That should nicely put off for a bit longer the moment when I need to actually start doing something with my day.....


  1. Thanks for your comment - glad you're enjoying it - will be back when I've unpacked!! Lx
