Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blonde Moments Giveaway!!!

I'm feeling very smug. The lovely Mel at Country In the Town hosted a giveaway.....AND I WON!!! (I haven't worked out how to put a link in blog text, but she's listed on my favourite blogs). I'm eagerly anticipating a delivery of some lovely girly chintzy things, including a cushion made and embroidered by her own fair hands.

The gifts are themed along the same lines as her blog, which is about re-decorating her home, making crafty Cath-Kidston-inspired things, and displaying her acquisitions from car boot sales and charity shops. This got me thinking about what Blog-related items I could put in my own Blonde Moments giveaway.

Here is my list.

  1. A minature bottle of Vodka (fits easily into handbag/office drawer for use in event of unexpected drama)
  2. Pack of 20 Benson & Hedges Silver
  3. A tin of banana flavoured Slimfast and a bottle of laxatives
  4. St Johns Wort (to prevent depressive blog posts)
  5. Evening Primrose Oil (see above)
  6. "Men who can't love: how to recognise a committment phobic before he breaks your heart" by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol (slightly dog-eared condition)
  7. Self-insemination kit and some fertility test sticks (unused)
  8. A partially disembowelled bird (gift from cats)
  9. A Sarah Arnett dress (acually, no....don't think I could bear to split up the collection...)
  10. A big bar of 90% cocoa chocolate (health benefits cancel out calories)
If anyone would like to put their name in the hat, just leave a comment on this post.........

(P.S. news from the wedding once I've found my camera!)


  1. I'm a bit scared to leave a comment now!!! Just the banana slimfast would have done ;)

    Hope all went well at the wedding and that the dress didn't let you down!

    You're too kind by the way. Hopefully the box of stuff will arrive with you tomorrow xxx

  2. Yes, how was THE dress? I bet you looked just fab!


  3. Hi, are you OK? Been missing your posts!

    Mel xxx

  4. Hello. I'm a bit ashamed this is my first visit, as you have so kindly linked to Livvy's Life and have obviously been reading mine... So, hello. It's nice to meet you. I would very much like to put myself up for the giveaway. I wouldn't need the self-fertilisation kit, and i'm not too fussed about the bird - perhaps you could just make the vodka and the chocolate bigger and forget those two.. Anyway, you're funny. And please don't give up on my blog, I will return to writing soon.
    All the very best of everything,
