Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blonde Moments Giveaway!!!

I'm feeling very smug. The lovely Mel at Country In the Town hosted a giveaway.....AND I WON!!! (I haven't worked out how to put a link in blog text, but she's listed on my favourite blogs). I'm eagerly anticipating a delivery of some lovely girly chintzy things, including a cushion made and embroidered by her own fair hands.

The gifts are themed along the same lines as her blog, which is about re-decorating her home, making crafty Cath-Kidston-inspired things, and displaying her acquisitions from car boot sales and charity shops. This got me thinking about what Blog-related items I could put in my own Blonde Moments giveaway.

Here is my list.

  1. A minature bottle of Vodka (fits easily into handbag/office drawer for use in event of unexpected drama)
  2. Pack of 20 Benson & Hedges Silver
  3. A tin of banana flavoured Slimfast and a bottle of laxatives
  4. St Johns Wort (to prevent depressive blog posts)
  5. Evening Primrose Oil (see above)
  6. "Men who can't love: how to recognise a committment phobic before he breaks your heart" by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol (slightly dog-eared condition)
  7. Self-insemination kit and some fertility test sticks (unused)
  8. A partially disembowelled bird (gift from cats)
  9. A Sarah Arnett dress (acually, no....don't think I could bear to split up the collection...)
  10. A big bar of 90% cocoa chocolate (health benefits cancel out calories)
If anyone would like to put their name in the hat, just leave a comment on this post.........

(P.S. news from the wedding once I've found my camera!)